
Supermarketwala by Damodar Mall
Supermarketwala by Damodar Mall

Supermarketwala by Damodar Mall Supermarketwala by Damodar Mall

Supermarketwala, is intended to be the go-to book for all consumer business enthusiasts and readers alike, who wish to understand how and why we as consumers behave in a certain manner at different places. Damodar, in Supermarketwala, provides the very basics for the growth of modern retail and consumerism in India, through interesting and carefully studied consumer behaviour, an art that few in his domain possess. What is Ching’s Sercret that is not Knorr’s, Maggi’s, or Yippie’s? Supermarketwala, Damodar Mall’s intriguing and revelatory debut book, answers these questions and much more.Where do big corporates and MNC retailers fumble, and what helps simple DMart get its model right?.Sonu’s breakfast table on a Sunday represents global cuisines.Rita, the young bahu, avoids buying personal products from the family grocer.

Supermarketwala by Damodar Mall