
Hannah capin foul is fair
Hannah capin foul is fair

Reinventing herself afterward as Jade, Elle changes her appearance and transfers to St. Andrews willingly let them in, and it isn’t long before the most popular boys set their sights on Elle as the next target for their depravity.

hannah capin foul is fair

For her birthday, the girls decide to crash a party thrown by the students of a prep school neighboring their own staid Los Angeles academy. Our narrator is Elle, the beautiful sixteen-year-old whose close relationship with Mads, Jenny, and Summer has them locked together in a coven of glamour and wildness.

hannah capin foul is fair

With her sophomore effort, Foul Is Fair, she continues her quest to reclaim the role and agency of women in history and literature via a devastating adaptation of Macbeth, set in modern-day California and peopled primarily by privileged teenagers instead of warring Scots royalty.

hannah capin foul is fair

Hannah Capin’s terrific debut novel, The Dead Queens Club, was a YA thriller that re-examined the legacy of Henry VIII via transplantation to a present-day Indiana high school.

Hannah capin foul is fair